In the latest act of selfish stupidity, The Dollar Store Dictator (Donald Trump) has decided that website should only support English. He has to assume that the only visitors that should every come to the website should speak (or be forced to learn English). Has he forgotten that we have allies who are NOT English first countries? Probably not. He is surrounded by other crackpot idiots who feed his tender ego.
In the United States, there are over 40 million Spanish speakers. By removing multilingual capabilities, the government would be making it difficult for this large population group to access important information. This could include information about government programs, policies, and resources. The Latino community is a large and growing demographic group in the United States. By removing multilingual capabilities, the government could be making it more difficult to reach out to this community. This could have negative consequences for everything from voter outreach to public health campaigns.
The government has a responsibility to communicate with all citizens, regardless of their language skills. Removing multilingual capabilities should be seen as a sign that the government (specifically TRUMP) is not interested in serving all of the people. How can people not see this as a blatant attempt to isolate a segment of the population – AND the world. .
The United States is also a country of immigrants, and many people around the world speak languages other than English. Removing multilingual capabilities from the White House website could damage the US image abroad and make the country seem less welcoming – which is his goal.
But it also means other countries have no idea what is happening within our government. – or maybe that’s his goal